The Wacky Syndrome : The Life of LAW.S.T

Location: Singapore

coffee powered,slightly insane,borderline philosopical, quite boring,extremely lazy and these are the good points... :)

Friday, March 31, 2006

A reality check

Friday, March 31, 2006, 10:00PM

The 1st bit was contributed by my boss..

"Reality is Cruelty" he likes to say... follow by some sad tale peppered with several sighs

The 2nd bit is very commonly used as a reason [excuse] for people when they feel trapped by their life situation ....

"that's Life"

The 3rd bit is some thing i gathered while in the pool of depression

"There is peace and freedom only in death"

The last bit is another common line, no explaination required

"life is suffering"

Put all these together and you get

"Reality is Cruelty, that's Life, there is peace and freedom only in death, life is suffering"

Yes i was sad for a while .. over what i can't recall now...
but hey, life would be horrible if everyone kept thinking like this...
Have you (yes you the one who is reading now) thought this way too ?
yes ?

Ok so for you, here is the reality check part...
"Don't worry be happy, coz life is too short to let the little things get to you"

and recite this mantra 10x
"Denial is a friend of mine"

i was joking..
take the simple advice [the stuff in orange]
and leave the mantra alone... :P

Some advice i gave recently

Friday, March 31, 2006, 9:30PM

Some people keep stuff, lots of it sometimes...
material things...

why ?
well, its all about memories i believe..
the things we often keep are a physical representation of memories we have..

"sentimental value"

And the reason we keep these things is because we are afraid that we might get too caught up in life and lose some memories or rather lose track of some of these memories...

I thought about this for a while and came upon this answer

We don't really need many of these "sentimental value" things really..
you see....
These memories become our experience, experience become our essense, the essense become our being..
even if we lose those memories, there are already a part of us..
they have already help shaped us into who we are..
even if we forget.. they are already a part of us forever...

This is of course except in cases of amnesia...

think about it :)

Happy Birthday DAD !!! :)

Friday, March 31, 2006, 9:22PM


happy birthday dad..
63 this year...

Had lunch with the family at Red Star Restaurant

nice food there..
dim sum was rather traditonal but very nice....

hehe.. we got a cake too..
thats the surprise later...

"Its Complicated"

Saturday, April 1, 2006, 9:06PM

Most people I know have an account there...

but there is one little thing I really don't get....

"Its Complicated"

I'm sorry, but what the hell is that supposed to mean..

Single = Single
In a Relationship = Attached
Domestic Partner = Cohabiting (probably)
Married = Married
It's complicated = ?????????????

what is meant by "It's complicated"
unable to commit ?
multiple partners ?
dumping partner soon ?
someone's illicit lover ?
someone's mistress ?
practising celibacy ?

It's just so odd for friendster to even include this option...
what were they thinking ? hmmm...

perhaps "It's complicated" does have some sort of weird cosmic effect on people...

In the interest of fairness..
Let's have an experiment...
I'll switch from "Single" to "It's complicated" for 24 hours...
Let's s what happens...

Monday, March 27, 2006

I have a tagbox....


at the request of a friend pika.. i have added a tagbox on the left...

my extreme thanks to Meiho..
you're the best... I'll buy u lunch someday ok ?

next step : hit counter...
:P (a reality check)

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Of love and matchmaking ?

Sunday, March 26, 2006, 10:45AM

Odd thing happened at work this week....
One of the secretary for my office tried to matchmake me...

yes yes... i know what you are thinking...

"go for it"

"you are not getting any younger"
"what don't you take a chance?"

Ok... Enough...
It was (and still is) one of the worse things to ever happen to me..
Mind you, i have not met nor do i know the girl yet

Here's what went down :

In the first place, the secretary did not approach me at all...
instead she tried to get a colleague/friend to secretly take my picture so that she could show to that girl..

I was this close to getting backstabbed..
Of course this colleague/friend backed off once he realise that i was really really pissed..
But by then the damage had already been done...
Now that the secretary has 1 foot in the door...
She pesters me each time she can corner me..
It very uncomfortable and unnerving

"You owe me a picture"
"when are you giving me your picture"
"Comb you hair nicely when you take the picture"

So What now ???

2 choices :
No. 1 - Start a game of dodge the secretary untill she gets the point that i will not partake in this sadist ritual
No.2 - Tell her "NO WAI !!!" to her face and risk eternal condamnation at work.

Hmm decisions decisions......

This situation reminds me of the time when i had to choose between getting a cheesecake or a brownie..
Cheesecake of course was the obvious choice...

V for Vendetta

Sunday, March 26, 2006, 1:45AM

What a show...
i actually watched it twice...

the plot of the show was simple enough but yet its still manages to say so much...
the little outakes into the lives of the various characters in the story really give it a much deeper feel..

The script was stellar, Though I do not know how much about the original Graphic Novel (i.e. artistic Comic Book)I am guessing its just as good..if not better
The screen play was so well thought out....

Perhaps i should get a guy fawkes mask too
Wearing it might give me a better understanding of the world

Dead Relations

Sunday, March 26, 2006, 8:02AM

I woke and drew breath...
I am alive....
Today I will see dead people.

Sunday, March 26, 2006, 10:00AM
well, that was fun...
I visited 5 relatives today who exist in memory and essense...
the annual "shao mu"

It always makes me think whether I will have anyone to remember me after i am gone..
but i guess it does not matter..
after all this is a "living world" the dead are just ashes and bones..

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Agrr... my brain is loosing it cohesion

Tuesday, March 21, 2006, 11:55PM

Old age has struck again...
I forgot yet another birthday...missed by 2 days this time

Happy Belated Birthday to Karen
26 years young...lolz...

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Happy Belated Birthday to Tiffy

Sunday, March 19, 2006, 10:07PM

A Happy Belated Birthday to Tiffy...

I can't remember what i was like when i was 20.....
Hooray for Selective Memory Loss (SML)
LaLaLaLaLa :)

And so it begins....

Sunday, March 19, 2006, 9.91PM

Welcome to my special brew of madness
Today I liberate my mind for the confines of my brain.
I must be crazy for doing this...

No.. wait...

I am just wacky... :)