The Wacky Syndrome : The Life of LAW.S.T

Location: Singapore

coffee powered,slightly insane,borderline philosopical, quite boring,extremely lazy and these are the good points... :)

Saturday, May 20, 2006

A little something above love i wrote...

"love is blind"
that is often said...

a while ago in the forum i visit EDMW, the topic of love and relationship came up..

and in the midst of an exchange of ideas,
this little bit came into my head..

based on the above quote

ahem.....(*in a narration type voice)

"We all fall in love..

then reason exits...
so does logic.....
Blind, deaf and mute and retarded all in a single instance...

Love overcomes all senses.....
Love becomes logic...
Love becomes reason....

and so it begins...

the dream/nightmare...."

(*queue applause machine)
thank you thank you...

so think about what i just said..
apply it to what you do when you are in love...
Am I making sense ?

What keeps me sane on a day to day basis..

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Admit it, Life has heaps of crap...
Work, relations, money, you name it...
Life has a way of throwing you a curveball every now and then...
so what can one such as myself to keep from going over the edge
( Yes i 'm constantly hoping back and forth over the lines of insanity, hence "wacky")

MUSIC is one of the key elements....
but thats a whole new topic for another entry... Trust me i have much to write about it. :)

I am talking about a forum i go to on a daily basis (does this count as an addiction i wonder ?)

Nestled in the heart of the is its forum page.
and deep deep in the bowels of the forum page is a jem of a sub-fourm
or EDMW for short

Its has lots of senseless stuff, inane topics most important a fun loving bunch of people ;)
Its quite these few weeks, what with exams and all...
but it will get rather messy once most of the nuts get released.... i mean, when they finish their exams.. heh heh heh :P

I'm Sorry

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Hi all..
yea yea..
i know.. nothing has be put up for some time....
I don't know what i have been wasting my time on..
anyway, the brain was silent for a while...
hence the lack of input
so here goes some stuff....