Location: Singapore

coffee powered,slightly insane,borderline philosopical, quite boring,extremely lazy and these are the good points... :)

Monday, August 14, 2006

A Tree from the Forest a.k.a A Fish From the Sea

When you console someone who has just ended a relationship, do you find yourself telling them

"there are other fishes in the sea"
"there are other trees in the forest"

sounds familiar ? yea...
we've all said it one time or another...
and yet, when we are the ones being consoled, these words just seem so condescending....

I guess, to the person in love (or a reasonable facsimile of that feeling) there is no other options in the entire universe...

funny how love (or a reasonable facsimile of that feeling) can alter our perspectives... :)
It can just change reality and put us in a universe where the only rules that apply are the ones we make up...

A Perfect World.....

Its just too bad the rest of the universe has to live in the regular standard realistic world... :P
Also too bad that in reality, the world is far far from perfect...

so spare a thought for a friend next time...
no more stories about fishes or trees...
stick with the basic stuff..
you know.....
Character assasination..
"He was a retard for letting u go"
"She made a negative impact on you"
*Quality of swearing and use of profanities may differ from person to person


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